Experts in people, we also have the technical expertise and capability, in-house, to create intelligent systems to identify, hire, enhance and develop talent for your organisation.

Personality at Work
Is our home grown Jungian Type Assessment. Designed to support teams in smaller and mid-sized companies learn about themselves and others in their teams, to improve communication, collaboration and both team and personal effectiveness.
Learn more →Push Doctor
Push Doctor wanted to bring in new hires with the right attributes. We interviewed existing staff and why did they join, was it like they thought it would be, what made people successful, what made people leave. We created an online assessment tool which accurately measured these attributes. Those that don't match, are not invited to interview, but receive a helpful profile, outlining their strengths and suggestion as to the sort of work environment where they would thrive. For those who do exhibit the right characteristics, the system produces a profile, which includes an interview guide and questions relating to that particular individual.
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Procurement Performance Map
Designed specifically for the procurement sector to analyse the strengths and gaps in a procurement team against five important elements, helping leaders in procurement develop the individuals, the team and to recruit the right people to build successful, high performing teams that deliver against your strategic goals.
Learn more →Skilful
A personality based system supporting learners in Further Education to understand themselves; strengths, weaker points, best-fit job roles and work environments, so that they are best able to maximise their personal learning and adapt to working life. Also supporting teachers to get to know learners, know how best to support them and manage classroom dynamics.
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